usa processer cc

Thrust Area II: Analysis of Observing Systems

Thrust IIINVESTIGATORS: NC A&T: Ahmidouch, Danagoulian, Tang; NCSU: Semazzi, Liu, Xie; CUNY: Khanbilvardi, Mahani

Summary: The work in this area covers (i) the impact of climate change on precipitation and hydrological variables including severe storms such as hurricanes, and (ii) the role of aerosols in affecting cloud properties and the resulting climate forcings.  The proposed research will adopt an integrated approach that considers all phases of hurricane development and viable competing remedial options to devise strategies to minimize hurricane risk and damage. The objectives are to use remote sensing to characterize and specify significant factors affecting tropical storms to provide better-forecast models and predictions. In this work, a comprehensive study combining all stages of Atlantic hurricane development and associated climatic processes will be undertaken that encompasses hurricane stages from the embryonic stage over the Ethiopian highlands to coastal storm surge and inland flooding in the U.S.  In the analysis of impact of aerosol indirect effects, multisensor aerosol observations will be combined with models to understand the effect of aerosols on clouds and the impact of cloud-aerosol interaction on weather, precipitation, and hyrological variables.  Both numerical and empirical research will be conducted on the analysis of observing systems.

Thrust Area III: Information Technology Applications