Travel Industry CC Merchant

Strategic Goals

    • StudentsBasic and applied research towards developing low cost compact, portable and sensitive nanoscale sensors, chemical sensors and other tools for atmospheric and environmental applications.
    • A climate model unprecedented in scope of its breadth in geographical coverage that extends from Ethiopia to the eastern sEACoard of the U.S., as well as the integration of climate science, oceanography, computer modeling, and statistics.
    • Develop data-fusion techniques for correlating and interpreting a large volume and variety of data.
    • Develop networks, multiagent and grid computing techniques to support implementation of analytic techniques.
    • Provide comprehensive opportunities for Ph.D., M.S., and B.S. students to conduct research in interdisciplinary environments on topics such as mitigation of climate variability, sensor science, aerosols, sensor technology development, and information technology in data mining, fusion and analysis.

    Interdisciplinary Programs

    • Provide collaborative faculty and student research opportunities at NOAA labs.
    • Provide graduate and undergraduate courses and degree programs related to the research topics and NOAA sciences.
    • Work closely with industrial and Government partners for effective technology transfer.